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Need help on campus?

University life has its own challenges. A range of services are available to you as you continue your education at Curtin Dubai.

Departmental Services

Student Success Centre

Our Teaching and Learning team is available to help you with your study skills and develop your academic writing. A series of workshops are held on a monthly basis for students to support their learning.

Registrar and Student Services

Students are able to reach out to the Registrar should they need any assistance with enrolling in units, discussing their progression, transferring to other campuses, or even changing majors.

IT & Tech Support

There is a dedicated IT support team to assist with on campus technical issues and issues related to your Curtin ID.


Curtin Careers is run by the University’s People and Culture (HR) team, giving you the opportunity to consult with HR professionals who come with a vast range of industry experience.

Financial Support

We provide a range of scholarships and financial aid to enable students from all backgrounds to realise their potential. If you have received funding from the University, it is important to maintain your funding by achieving good grades. Please go through the Curtin Dubai Funding Policy and contact Finance if you have any questions.

Safety and security

The safety of our community is our number one priority. The campus is under 24-hour surveillance and is governed by Dubai International Academic City Code of Conduct.

In addition to this, there are a number of First Aid Officers and Emergency Response Wardens across the campus in case of an emergency.

Mental health and wellbeing

If you’re looking for a friendly chat, you may contact any member of staff, or even the Student Council. If you find yourself needing additional support, our Campus Counsellor is available on a bi-weekly basis and by appointment, for students to discuss any personal or professional issues you may have. All sessions are handled in the strictest of confidence.

Your student experience is important to us.

Whether you’re a current student or still deciding if uni is for you, we can help. 


Curtin University Student Services

Block 11, 4th Floor,
Dubai International Academic City
[email protected]
+9714 245 2500

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